Clover Financial Solutions

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Recovering from Black Friday and Cyber Monday -Buyer’s Remorse

No doubt you spent Black Friday weekend glued to the deals of the year at your favourite retailers. Hopefully you snapped up some good bargains and are regaling in your money saving feat.


As you sit back and start to enjoy the fruits of your shopping labour with parcel after parcel landing at your door, how did you go with sticking to your Black Friday budget?


Even with my list, I found I was extremely overwhelmed with the amount of things on sale.


My Christmas list for my friends and family suddenly turned into a Christmas list for myself full of things I didn’t realise I ‘needed’!


As the shopping euphoria slowly disappears, you will probably see your account balance decreasing but not a great deal to show for it with deliveries still to arrive. You are probably asking yourself whether you actually needed everything you have bought. A clear case of buyer’s remorse.

Rather than wallow in self pity, you need to find a practical way to recover from buyer’s remorse anxiety.

1.       Look at the return policy.

2.       Sell your items.

Given they are new they will be appealing to others. Be warned that you won’t necessary recoup all your money from the initial sale so be realistic when asking for a price. It is still second hand even though it’s never been used.

3.       Replacing what you spent.

It’s best to start off small. For instance, if you spent a couple of hundred dollars, give yourself the month to pay yourself back. Little by little.

Once you start to see that you’re paying yourself back, not only will it help you feel better, it will also help you get back on track with your financial goals.

Phoebe x